Monthly Archives: January 2008

Christmas 2007

For this past Christmas, Wil and I had Christmas Eve dinner with Xing and Ester, then Christmas day brunch with the Parayno Family.

No photos from the night with Xing and Ester (forgot the Camera), but Raynee, Becky, Eric, and some of Ester’s friends were there.

Here’s some photos from the Westin where we had brunch with Jude’s family.

And yes, I’ve gained weight (hey, its the Holidays). But so has Wilmer (he blames me for taking him to all these parties. But no one said he had to eat at them):

For New Years eve, it was back to Ester & Xing’s house where she had her annual polka-dot party.

The tradition:

1.  Everyone had to where some kind of cirlce on his/her clothing (preferrably polka dots).

2.   Everyone had to have coins in their pockets and jingle it for one minute after the stroke of midnight.

3.    Eat twelve grapes in the minute before new years (11:59 p.m. of 12/31/07, to be completed at midnight)

4.  And of course, loud music.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera.  It was hilarious watching polka dotted people jumping up and down, jingling coins in their pockets and eating grapes.